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tv   All In With Chris Hayes  MSNBC  April 30, 2013 8:00pm-9:01pm PDT

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there was definitely quite a few people that were very clearly upset with the vote that she decided to go with. it definitely got a little intense there at a couple of points and i don't know, being there, we felt her stumble a little. i don't know if she thought we were kind of going to disappear after she decided to vote against something so common sense. but i mean, i had promised since the very second that, you know, it came out that the legislation wasn't approved that i wasn't going away, and clearly i wasn't joking. >> erica lafferty gets tonight's last word. thank you very much for joining us tonight, erica, and i'm very, very sorry for your loss. >> thank you. thank you. >> thanks, erica. chris hayes is up next.
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good evening. from new york i'm chris hayes. thank you for joining us. truly amazing stuff to cover tonight. how wild conspiracies are causing an absolute gun frenzy in this country and how washington politicians are legitimizing them. and a state where the legislator is so out of control, citizens are willing to go to jail to protest the laws. you might remember this bit of comedy from the white house correspondents dinner on saturday night when president obama joked about the criticism of not working with republicans more. >> maureen dowd said i could solve all my problems if i were just more like michael douglas in "the american president." i know michael's here tonight. michael, what's your secret, man? could it be that you were an actor in an aaron sorkin liberal fantasy? some folks still don't think i spend enough time with congress.
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why don't you get a drink with mitch mcconnell, they ask. really? why don't you get a drink with mitch mcconnell. >> today the president sent washington reporters scrambling with the surprise announcement of a press conference, his first since march and took a more serious tone, though the theme was familiar, repeatedly asked about the first hundred days of his second term and his failure to avert the sequester or passing a gun bill, the president disabued reporters that he has some sort of magic power that he refuses to use that will alter public behavior. >> you seem to suggest somehow these folks over there have no responsibilities and that my job is to somehow get them to behave. that's their job. the point is that there are common sense solutions to our problems right now. i cannot force republicans to embrace those common sense solutions.
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>> there was not a whole lot new about all that until an amazing moment. the question turned to the issue of guantanamo and this is where the president made news today where he spoke the most passionately and expressed the most palpable frustration. he cannot completely control yet cannot accept. as we have reported on this program, there is a growing crisis in the facility in the form of a hunger strike. yesterday we learned it is getting worse. 100 of the 168 detainees or two third of the prison population are now starving themselves. according to guantanamo officials. 21 of those detainees have lost so much weight, they have been approved for feeding tubes. detainees are strapped to chairs and force fed and now 40 medical reinforcements have been sent to the facility including nurses and specials. -- specialists. the white house has not wanted to talk about guantanamo. really no one has.
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but the hunger strikers forced us to all pay attention. the president's message was clear -- gitmo must be closed. >> it is not a surprise to me we have problems in guantanamo. i think it is critical for us to understand that guantanamo is not necessary to keep america safe, it is expensive, it is inefficient, it hurts us in terms of our international standing, it lessens cooperation with our allies on counterterrorism efforts, it is a recruitment tool for extremists. it needs to be closed. >> after a follow-up question about force feeding the detainees, the president said emphatically he did not want those people to die. >> the idea that we would still maintain forever a group of
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individuals who have not been tried, that is contrary to who we are. it is contrary to our interests and it needs to stop. i think for a lot of americans the notion is out of sight, out of mind. all of us should reflect on why exactly are we doing this? why are we doing this? we've got a whole bunch of individuals who have been tried who are currently in maximum security prisons around the country. nothing's happened to them. justice has been served. >> so if the president is going to take another run at guantanamo, then that is news because he has tried before. congress blocked president obama's official policy on gitmo, which is to transfer some detainees to maximum security facilities in the united states. there are 86 detainees of the 166 cleared for transfer to a detention facility in another nation. or cleared for conditional release in a host nation. congress has restricted such transfers. however, congress has also granted the pentagon the powers to waive such restrictions, a
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power the pentagon has not yet used in a single case. so as the president called everyone on the carpet for their complacency today, he also raised the question whether his administration will try to do more within its power to get at least some of these detainees out of guantanamo. >> i'm going to go back at this. i've asked my team to review everything that's currently being done in guantanamo, everything that we can do administratively, and i'm going to reengage with congress to try to make the case that this is not something that's in the best interests of the american people. >> the president may not have some ridiculous supernatural power to impose his will on congress, but when it comes to the moral and legal crisis in guantanamo, he is far from powerless. joining me tonight from washington, former national security council spokesman for the obama administration.
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howard fineman, owed toerl . i want to begin with you. what was your reaction to hearing this from the president today? surprise? frustration? hope? >> chris, it was encouraging. it was an important statement. but president obama has made important statements before. and so what we need now is action to follow those very principled words. as he recognized it is not sustainable to hold over 100 people without charge in no man's land in perpetuity, particularly as the united states starts winding down the war in afghanistan, defeating al qaeda. what war are we talking about anymore? tough times -- it is not sustainable, it is morally wrong and unjust. as someone who has been down to the base and has seen what is happening to these men right now, the answer is not we're going to keep people alive by strapping them into chairs and force feeding them. there are steps that president obama can take on his own starting now.
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>> so that is question, right? you talked to the white house today, howard. >> yes. >> did they give you a sense of what the content of what those steps, affirmative steps, my look like? >> i asked them and got an explanation from the assistant of the national security adviser. she said they're going to appoint a new person at the state department to take over the role of looking through these cases. that's something they had let lapse. >> david freed had overseen this, overseen deals to get about 40 or so folks transferred. he had left and not been replaced. >> the fact that they hadn't replaced them showed where their actions were. secondly, they said we admit that the pentagon hasn't done enough to look through on a case-by-case basis for possible waivers that the congress gave the administration power to do. and she said they're going to start doing that very actively. so i think the proof is going to be in the administrative
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actions, and the key that the president used that caught your eye and mine was the word administrative. he complained the whole time he can't get anything through congress -- >> but that's a given. >> that's a given. there are things he can do administratively. let's see who he picks because there's a balance between the risk of that and the risk that we're losing the diplomatic war around the world. >> tommy, you were just nodding your head when pardiss was giving a litany of the moral crisis that is guantanamo, you were spokesperson for the nsc. what is your sense of who bears responsibility for this and do you think this is a stain on the u.s. at this point and on the administration? >> short answer is yes. i mean, i think that this talk of all these executive actions we may or may not be able to take to close guantanamo makes me a little bit nervous because the provisions in the defense authorization bill that made it impossible to use funds to transfer individuals to the united states that made it incredibly difficult for the administration to transfer
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people overseas to other countries, and by the way, those countries aren't exactly wild about having individuals transferred to them make this incredibly difficult. it rendered the facility completely useless because we can never send anybody there again because god forbid they're innocent, there's no way to get them out. at some point along the way this went from an issue where republicans and democrats agreed it was in our national security interest to close the facility. republicans started to see this as a way to attack the president's national security record and i think it's shameful. and it's sad but congress needs to move on this to make any meaningful action. >> that's the line is that congress needs to move on it and it is true there have been these restrictions put in place. i want to lay them out and then i want to you respond to tommy. >> the secretary of defense in consultation with the head of the state department can sign a waiver saying -- but they have
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to stipulate to a whole variety of things, basically saying there is a low risk of this person "returning to the battlefield," assuming the person was on the battlefield to begin with, which in many cases is probably not the case. people in the white house will tell u we cannot stipulate, we don't have the work product coming from the intelligence community that will allow us to sign the waiver to do this. it is on congress' doorstep. >> there are steps that allows the secretary of defense to take other actions to mitigate those risks and ultimately to certify that the transfer is in the national security interests of the united states. i have to say before the restrictions went into place, the united states transferred dozens of people to european countries. six went back to yemen. the sky didn't fall. there were security arrangements that the administration with the
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secretary of state made in consultation with host countries. those arrangements were worked out. there are dozens of people living in portugal, in france, germany. who are living there, rebuilding their lives without incident. the administration knows how to do this. it is not insurmountable. >> can i say that we sent our justice reporter, ryan riley down to guantanamo twice in the last few months and i spoke with him this afternoon. he said the conditions there are just awful. they've closed every common facility. people are isolated, people are dying or close to dying. we need to remember that as we watch a game of political hot potato here that both the administration and the congress are complicit in. i think the person i spoke to at the national security office this afternoon was frank in saying that they hadn't done enough, that the administration had not done enough to push the
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envelope on the waivers. they admit that. they had to admit that once the president said he was going to look at administrative measures again. well, what are they? they got to do that. >> and it is absolutely not enough at this point to just look at these cases again. there isn't time for that, as howard was saying. there is a crisis at guantanamo right now. the administration spent from 2009 to 2010 reviewing those cases and making decisions and that resulted in -- >> it's almost the decision they couldn't carry them out. >> the read on this that i think people that want to see guantanamo closed and are sympathetic to the president, their read is if the president could wave a magic wand, he would do that but he's hemmed in by congress and crucially the politics. is that your read on it, that they are worried they'd send someone back to yemen and
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he get captured on the battlefield, and lindsay graham takes to the microphone and it becomes a huge opportunity for everyone to demagogue and the politics of this become terrible? >> first of all, lindsay graham's title should be demagogue, not senator. that's all he does these days. whether benghazi or any other issue, it is awful and has no place in this debate. so a couple things. yes, the administration did transfer a number of individual to european countries. in candor, that was some of the lowest hanging fruit, the safe individual, those who were innocent or posed no threat. yemen, there was a self-imposed restriction because of instability. you've seen yemen turn into a hot bed for al qaeda. the good news is things are getting better, there's more security, we're working better with their forces. but it is a real concern, the
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idea of transferring 56 hardened hardened but 56 individuals from gitmo back to yemen with that recidivism risk. it's also a huge onerous position on the secretary of defense to sign a waiver provision basically saying i have a magic eight ball and i can tell you there is no recidivism threat in the future. the president today was clearly angry. he want his administration to do more and that's a good thing. that's a good sign for everyone. >> can you just respond to that, pardiss? members inside the intelligence community and people inside the white house don't want to let go of the fact that if you don't have enough to try someone, you cannot keep them. and, yes, there may be some risk. we don't know what people do in the future but that is risk that you just have to suck it up and take. >> i think that is absolutely right. there is no one in the administration who is going to be able to guarantee that these people or anyone never commits an act that threatens the united states, its citizens or allies, which is the restriction that's
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written in. no one is going to be able to guarantee that and we are making the problem worse by keeping guantanamo open. i just have to say president obama said himself the costs of keeping the prison open are greater than the complications of closing it. i think with yemen we've got to stop looking at that problem as sort of a class of people and look at people individually and make case-by-case determinations of who can be transferred. thank you very much. one of the guys leading the charge to gut financial reform is also leading a cadre of wall street lobbyists down a luxury ski slope in park city, utah. that's next. girl vo: i'm pretty conservative.
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firearms purchases. here is his facebook page. nothing like waking up to a poll saying you're the nation's most unpopular senator. that probably puts me somewhere below pond scum. notwithstanding the polling firm's leftist bend, i would assume my poll numbers have taken a southerly turn. it was a popular amendment and i voted against it. yes it was, yes, you do. should be noticed his page has just under 20,000 likes, 7,000 more than we have at in. so if he is pond scum, what does that make us? please, i will repay you with an amazing story of cronies on skis next. in a three-hundred-ton rocket doesn't raise as much as an eyebrow for these veterans of the sky. however, seeing this little beauty over international waters
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is enough to bring a traveler to tears. we're putting the wonder back into air travel, one innovation at a time. the new american is arriving.
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one of the easiest topics for political consensus, big banks have too much power and zero accountability. the subject that won elizabeth warren her seat. the target of a bill by sherrod brown and david vitter looking to reign in the label "too big to fail." take this congressman from texas, a politician when he was further from power was willing to criticize the financial stability. he voted against the 2008 bank bailout, railed against the too big too fail maximum and then a funny thing happened. he is now the chairman of the house services financial committee and here's the result when he mitigated to the center of financial power. he now opposes the idea of downsizing banks.
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how does somebody like jeb get to that place? in a great piece by justin elliott, an examination of his campaign finance filings show just six weeks after become financial services chair, he was joined by representatives of the banking industry for a ski vacation fund-raiser at a posh park city, utah resort. good time was had at the saint regis resort. more than a hundred people enjoyed the weekend, paid for by his political action committee. a lobbyist from the mortgage bankers association donated $5,000 to hensarling in february. also present, a representative from visa, a $5,000 donor. financial industries the biggest
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contributors to his political career. he received more than $1.3 million from big finance in 2012. keep in mind, none of this appears to be illegal. at no point was evidence raised that he broke campaign finance rules or unwritten rules are congress, which is precisely the problem. this is the way business is done. a routine manifestation of political coziness. joining me right now, gary rivlin author of the cover story in "nation." about the assault on financial reform. we've reached out to the congressman hensarling and did not get a response. gary, i want to read a quote from your piece. there are so many different ways after dodd-frank, the wall street financial bill that was passed and signed by the president, that the banks have made runs at trying to limit, curtail and kneecap the reform.
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the first place that start is in the house financial services committee itself, which became controlled by the republicans after the 2010 election. he writes "wall street's primary beachhead for fighting dodd-frank has been the house committee on financial services. held more than # 5 -- 65 hearings after republicans took control of the house. hensarling wasn't the chairman initially but it looks like he will continue in that mode. >> you've got the committee to introduce bills able to undo parts of dodd-frank. that's much of the strategy. the regulatory front, fire all the regulators. you've got congress and, like, okay, congress passed this bill, we don't like it in 2010, let's see if we can get some bills, just technical correction, we just want to fix some things which blow a huge loophole into
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the wall. >> are those fights working their way out into legislation that has a chance of stopping? or has the committee played the kind of role of a kind of theatrical source to get people to come in and rail against dodd-frank and how it's hurting people? >> there are some who call the routine you're talking about just, you know, a fund-raiser bill. we're going to put a bill that's going to make a bank happy. it's not going to get anywhere but we'll put it out there. it's almost three years since dodd-frank. it's almost five years since the meltdown. so there's a real worry among consumer advocates that with so much time passed that maybe they'll pick off some democrats. who's kidding who? the democrats are getting the $5,000, $10,000, $20,000 from goldman sachs. >> big checks from the finance services industry are not at all limited. >> so some of these bills won't get anywhere but there are bills that have democratic co-sponsors and there is some concern among advocates, lobbyists for the other side.
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i think what the hensarling story underscores for me is the inequity here. i added up the lobbyists with the top five consumer advocate groups in d.c. and it has 18. goldman sachs alone has more than 50 lobbyist, j.p. chase alone has over 60 lobbyists. we're talking about unequal warfare here. >> i think what's so interesting about the article and i would tell people to definitely check it out. we talk about campaign finance as part of the problem. obviously we are highlighting this moment of nexus of money and influence. but the inequity is so massive that that outmatched sense that you get in the lobbying on congress then carries over to things that happen in the regulatory facet and in the courts as well. >> i wanted to find the one regulatory agency where someone was really trying.
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gary gentz, so the cftc, they're right at the center of this, they're derivatives control. what's he able to do? he said i want to have an open door. anybody who wants to come in and talk about derivative reform can come and see me. and what happens? goldman, sachs. >> you know who -- >> they have a staff of 12 from new york who can fly down and u.s. perg has two meetings over a three-year period. >> gary rivlin, great piece. thank you very much. >> thank you, chris. up next, a truly insane build introduced in congress that the "all in" staff seriously did not believe was real. no, really, we were convinced it was from the onion. coming up. you know that guy that owns that aquarium store. he's not gonna sell you some labradoodle, he's gonna sell you tropical fish! he's got salt water tanks, fresh water tanks, brackish tanks, tanks you can't even fathom. that fish?! no you're not ready for that fish.
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>> i am a smart guy. i'm not person that said the fbi blew up the people at the boston marathon. i'm not saying people in the fbi
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blew up innocent people. you're saying that. that's what makes you a dumb ass. so there you go. now why you are you in my [ bleep ]ing neighborhood? >> reacts to conspiratorial nonsense flowing forth before and since the horrible bombings at the boston marathon. it's one thing when false flag notions are kept to the conspiracy-minded fringe. it's another thing all together when these things are oozing into the republican party and halls of government. republican new hampshire represent stella tremblay. >> i was just pointing out the fact that there's a possibility that the government is involved. you know in history, top down, bottom up has always happened. >> you should probably apologize to your constituents. >> what am i going to apologize for, for asking questions? >> the old asking questions. questions are fine, even
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questions that lead people to think what in god's name are you talking about? her post on glenn beck's facebook page didn't look like a question to me "the boston marathon was a black ops terrorist attack, drones and now terrorist attacks by our own government." info wars broke the story, knew they were found out. state representative tremblay is not the only legislator parroting conspiracy theories. a state legislator is one thing. a united states senator is another. which is what makes the actions of senator inhofe so troubling. the government has gone on an ammunition buying spree so there won't be bullets left for people to buy. dhs wants to buy more than a billion rounds of ammunition in the next four or five years, which the department says it will use for law enforcement agents in training and on duty
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the reason the dhs says it is stockpiling the ammunition because like going to costco, it's just more economical sometimes to buy in bulk. when this totally logical explanation was challenged, dhs responded with a letter that read in part "dhs routinely established strategic sourcing contracts that combine the kpoep environments for good and services, ammunition, computer equipment and information technology services. these contracts help leverage purchasing power to efficiently procure equipment and supplies at significantly lower costs, which makes sense, right, particularly for the fiscally-minded conservative. not for senator in who have, who last week along with another senator introduced the ammunition management for more obtainability act 2013 too put caps on the amount of amio federal agencies could buy.
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if you ask yourself, what's the problem with the government buying ammo in bulk to keep the cost down, then you haven't spent enough time on tropical sites with stories saying the u.s. government is gearing up for an arms race against the american people and most recently this kind of talk has been all over the drudge report. >> what's the government arm against? the american people. who do they say the terrorist threat are? not al qaeda blowing up embassies, conservatives, libertarians, gun owners. here's our article. "homeland security purchases 200 million more rounds of ammunition. i want to thank the drudge report and for covering it. thank the talk show hosts that are covering it. >> that's what you get, alex jones to drudge report and representative duncan asking the dhs secretary janet napolitano about the number of rounds of ammunition purchased by the department and stockpiling
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conspiracy theory in a house hearing. >> when forbes magazine or drudge or reputable news sources start to repeat the numbers. >> i don't know if i would put forbes and drudge in the same sentence. >> fair point. if this local news coverage in the state of oklahoma is any indication of the mood there, their attempts to rein the government from stockpiling ammo seems perfectly reasonable. >> ammunition is a hot item in the state, but many can't get their hands on it. two oklahoma lawmakers think they have a solution to what they call a shortage. >> senator jim inhofe and congressman frank lucas recently introduced a bill that would limit the amount of ammunition federal agencies can buy, hoping to increase the supply for the rest of us. there's a two box limit at big boy's gun and ammo in oklahoma city and at other gun shops. many fear the government could be stockpiling ammunition and preventing the public from doing the same.
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>> i don't live in oklahoma and it's been quite some time since i tried to buy ammo there but it's possible there are genuine ammo shortages. there might be some other reasons than the government stockpiling it. one, the introduction of federal gun legislation sent gun buyers across the country running to stores to stock up on ammo, afraid that congress was going to try to keep it out of their hands thanks to a lot of fear mongering from the gun lobby. we get a perfectly closed loop in which the paranoid conspiracy theories fuel an ammo shortage which fuel further conspiracy theories. or maybe ammo is in short supply in oklahoma because they tend to use a lot of it at events like the full oklahoma auto shoot and trade show.
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>> all right. i am not going to front. that looks like a whole lot of fun. what isn't fun are united states congressmen using their privilege and power to craft legislation to cater to the darkest, fringiest elements in american politics. senator in hoef wants to spread conspiracy near east, he should retire, send e-mails and leave others to solve problems that exist. lord knows there's enough. change makes people nervous. but i see a world bursting with opportunity, with ideas, with ambition. i'm thinking about china, brazil, india. the world's a big place. i want to be a part of it. ishares international etfs. emerging markets and single countries. find out why nine out of ten large professional investors
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final throws and 1993 offered cultural guide posts from beavis and butthead and lorena bobbitt. look that one up. on this day in 1993, the worldwide web went public for everyone to use for free. >> >> let's www.explainit. >> the concept of connecting computers around the world came from a team scientists at cern. we now know the web as the platform that runs on the internet. the dream of the '90s is alive in original format. cern had restored the first web site. what a sight to behold. i think this glimpse into history is incredibly cool. check it out if you can as nbc new report the relaunch experience connectivity issues. crashing and reconnecting which seems somehow appropriate. the second awesomist thing on the internet comes from a fan brian podolsky. he stumbled on this to put it in
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perspective. here is the month, day, year, the century, after you click through the geologic time span, that's when things to get wild. can you see when fish started popping up, insects, birds, mammals and humans. incredible, humbling look into the origin of the universe or as michele bachmann likes to call it, science fiction. and the third awesomest thing on the internet today, the saga of mark sanford continues to unfold in south carolina. last night viewers could watch the debate between sanford and his opponent elizabeth colbert busch. it streamed online. it was the first and only debate of the race, even after sanford demanded more debates. here he is sparring with a cardboard cutout of nancy pelosi. he may rethink that after this jab from colbert busch >> when we talk about fiscal spending and we talk about
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protecting the taxpayers, it doesn't mean you take that money we saved and leave the country for a personal purpose. >> she went there, governor sanchez. >> i couldn't hear what she said. >> as we say in the bronx, "oh, no she didn't." get even better for sanford. he got a ringing endorsement from hustler publisher larry flynt. you can find all the links for tonight's click three on our website. we'll be right back. you hurt my feelings, todd.
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this morning reverend william barber, the president of the north carolina naacp woke up in jail after being arrested yesterday along with 16 others, including this woman seen here in a wheelchair. the two were arrested as part of a direct action of civil disobedience on the steps of the capital in north carolina. if you asked yourself why they got arrested outside the state capital, then you understandably haven't paid attention to what's going on in north carolina. it is a state to everyone's surprise went blue in 2008 and was narrowly carried by mitt romney in 2012. but a state that since the election of republican governor
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in 2012, has turned into insane, right wing distopia. hundreds of millions in cuts to unemployment benefits, drug tests for welfare recipients, a proposal to end funding for judicial elections, there's proposals to limit access to abortions and an ill-fated effort to make christianity the state religion. perhaps the most nefarious, the slew of voter suppression bills turned out by state republicans. everyone from a voter id bill that passed the house to proposals to cut early voting
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and same day registration. the big mistake that republicans across the country made in 2012 trying desperately to rig the electorate in their favorite was to get shady voting bills. when everyone was paying attention. that turned into fierce back lash that turned into higher black turnout than white the first time in history. republicans seem to have learned their lesson and realize the best time to go after people's voting rights is the relatively quiet months after the election when everyone's attention turns to other things. this is precisely why the efforts in north carolina to suppress the vote are so important to pay attention to. also why to their great credit, groups like naacp and advancement project are mobilizing in south carolina to fight back when it is most dangerous and hardest to get attention. one of these is the naacp president reverend william barber. he was released from jail today
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>> what we see in this group of legislators, they're acting like the george wallace -- are they engaging with a strategy with 21st century twist. you gave the policies in passing, 500,000 people lose their medicaid january 1st, 2014. 165,000 unemployed workers lose unemployment benefits july 1st, this year. then a slew of voting rights, which not only violate 15th amendment, 24th amendment, violate the state constitution which has been in place 145 years. majority doesn't give you the authority to violate the constitution. what they're doing is they're passing in constitutional, uncivil laws. that's why there's so much passion, black and white and
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lati latino, preachers who have been the first wave of our continuing strategy. this is not a beginning immob e immobilizati immobilization. 500 activists on the floor in march. now we said we're going to engage not only legal strategy, but also with moral strategy, civil did oh bowed yens. that's the first wave monday. we will dramatize this in north carolina. >> the more i read, the more i couldn't believe what was going on in terms of how aggressive republicans in power have been. >> this is what we knew our pope would do. >> explain who our pope is. >> that's the koch brothers pope for the south. he is the one that founded afp north carolina, the one southern state to have branch of the koch brothers pac, but he also owns
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dollar stores. he said look, you cannot franchise my dollar store unless your community is a quarter black and 50% poor. he takes that money, invests it into right wing think tanks. all that, then becomes the budget director. >> he has a lot of money, sees a lot of money into conservative think tanks and causes. he is now the budget director in the state of north carolina, it would be as if scott walker said to charles koch, come work in my government. >> precisely that. except for charles koch that had a lot of free time on his hands. this is the guy who two years ago reverend barber was fighting him because he set the agenda for the republicans in the state, number one, was eviscerating state law that blocks the state from funding the resegregation of schools. number two, voter id's.
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>> if you look what legislators are doing, some restrekt legislation, but the vast majority are progressive. >> is that true? there's close to 200 pieces of legislation in more than 45 states introduced, and already seeing some of them passed in new mexico, they're debating an expansive bill in colorado. it is going to effect people with criminal convictions. you have to ask what are people, people of colors, people with criminal convictions, you have to ask what are people doing.
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>> there are two very different currents happening at the same time in this country. we've won huge victories that have pushed voting rights forward in recent weeks. we've also had huge setbacks, like virginia, who essentially killed voter i.d. last year, adopting a strict voter i.d. law this year. this is a civil war. >> it's one we cannot win. >> can i step in? >> please, reverend. >> what we see happening in north carolina is a reaction to our success. we built a coalition over the last few years and that coalition of a hundred branches of naacp, 147 coalition partners, we built this coalition, we won same-day registration, we won early vote, we won sunday voting, pushed forward with more funding for education. it's almost as though for these people it represents a third reconstruction and they're reacting to this now because they know with the dynamics in the state and changing electorate, their time period is limited. black people represent 25% of the electorate. 70% of black people voted in 2012 and 65% of north
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carolinians. with the changing electorate, the time of ultra conservative and the silent south is almost over. this is a power grab to try to stop a future they cannot stop. >> is there a big regional difference in terms of the way the laws are going? >> that's not the kind of difference that we see. what we do see is where there are places on the ground where people have been able to be successful in terms of using the courts. one thing that i think we should all remember comes under the voting rights act. it would be very difficult for a number of these laws to be able to demonstrate it's not going to make minority voters worse off. i wonder if cynically perhaps some are presuming there's not going to be a voting rights act to stop it. >> in north carolina they also have to understand, and this is important for the national audience, 145 years ago, there were things placed in our state constitution. they are violating -- states rights people are violating the state constitution.
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>> i'm glad you're out of prison today. that is all for this evening. the "rachel maddow show" starts now. good evening, my friend. >> good evening, chris. thank you for staying with us this hour after what has been a very, very busy news days. today the food and drug administration said said americans can purchase over the counter, a one pill drug that if taken three days after sexual intercourse can help prevent an unwanted pregnancy. it's emergency contraception. for political and not scientific reason, the bush administration and then obama administration had previously refused to let anyone under 18 buy it over the counter. today the fda said 15 will be the age limit. the fda director said access to